About us
People Of Cornerstone Beleive: There is a core need to feel Unity and be loved . As a church community, we endeavour to demonstrate by our actions care, love, compassion, acceptance, respect and commitment to others as we grow and develop in wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures.
The Bible is our basis for all Christian preaching, teaching, service and is the final authority for living a successful Christian life.
People of influence: The greatest opportunities and spheres for influence are outside the church service. Jesus described his disciples as salt and light. Likewise, we, as salt and light, must go out and pervade workplaces and homes – we aim to make a difference wherever we go. Matthew 5:14-1) People with a Divine assignment: Just as Jesus was sent by His Father into the world, so he expects those whom he has saved to ‘go out’ into the world. God has given the church a great commission to proclaim the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations. Therefore, we have a responsibility to reach out to our Fellowships. We are committed to making disciples of men and women through the sharing of our faith and vision. Mark 16:15
People who care about the whole man: The Gospel of Jesus Christ and the grace of God is shared to bring man to the place of wholeness in spirit, soul and body – to a new life in Christ. Therefore, we aim to minister to every dimension of human need for wholeness at every level – individuals, families, etc. Because of the transforming power of God to make all things new, we choose to see people in terms of their potential rather than their problems. We love and care for hurting people not because of pity but because God loves them. James 1:17
Our primary goal is to do God’s will. Therefore, as He builds this body of believers, our vision is:
to be a growing God-centred church where, through effective leadership, families and individuals are encouraged and challenged to progressively grow deeper in their intimate knowledge of and love for God and inspired to live out their salvation fulfilling the will of God.
Matthew 28:19-20
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”